Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet XII

WERE fine Castilio, the Heire of Grace :
What gallant port more graciously fine?
As dainty Petrarch was sweete Sirens fonne :
What witching tune more Orpheously sweete?
Him, him, the Idee high, and deepe Abysse,
Of noble Excellence I would proclaime.
But what should drowsy Muse of Phantoms dreame?
Cast glauncing eie into Queene Pallas Court :
And scorne the dimnes of thy dazeled sight,
Astound with Lord-and Lady-Graces view :
Idees how high, Abysses how profounde
Of valour braue, and admirable worth?
    Poore glimmering Gemmes, and twinckling Stars adieu :
    Here, here the Sun, and Moone of Honor true.


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